Educational Studies IDP Major or Minor

There is a growing need for people who understand how people learn and who have the skills to teach outside of schools. Students in the Educational Studies IDP pursue educational jobs outside of PreK-12 classrooms by utilizing different courses to gain expertise and skills and use them in nonprofits, Early Childhood Education, Entrepreneurship, etc. Although this degree falls within the domain of the Department of Education, it is not a licensure enabling program.

Educational Studies is available as an Individualized Degree Program (IDP) major or minor. Students need to consult with their faculty advisor if they want to take on additional coursework to turn Educational Studies into their IDP major.

Click Here for the recommended coursework for Educational Studies (21 credits for the minor, 40 credits as a IDP Major, and 60 credits as a IDP Extended Major)

Click Here for potential Career Tracks you can choose for when you graduate!

Contact the Center of Individualized Learning

Campus Location:
Central Classroom Room 223

Mailing Address:
Campus Box 50, MSU Denver PO Box 173362 Denver, CO 80217-3362


[email protected]